
Friends of Taplio

Hi and welcome to the Taplio affiliate program!

We're glad to see you here! Whenever you refer a customer to Taplio, you'll be owed 30% of all the payments made by customers you referred for 12 months!

By joining, you agree not to run any paid ads campaign or sponsorships in order to promote Taplio. Should you do so, commissions will not be due and you will not be refunded for the money you spent in ads.

Before you get started, just a couple things you should know:
- We do all payouts on the 1st of every month (or the next couple of days if the 1st lands during the weekend)
- To be included in that payout, you need to have $50 in due commissions
- A commission is due 30 days after the payment happened (to account for our generous refund policy)
- It's forbidden to run paid ads or sponsorships for Taplio. If you run paid ads, your commissions will not be paid. We have a constant monitoring system to spot ads, and we may ask you to provide proof of the methods used to generate the sales. It is also forbidden to mislead users by presenting promotions, whether real or fake (including coupons, discounts). Any of these infractions, will lead to an immediate account suspension.

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